Saturday, February 16, 2008

Two years on

Ariel had a good OT evaluation this week, the two year anniversary of her stroke. This mostly an increased range of motion in her left arm, and a better ability to turn over her hand at the wrist.
She is on hiatus form PT for insurance reasons, but will return sometime this spring I hope. She has a new cane, replacing the cane pictured above (which looked like a small walker). It's jsut a regular cane with a four footed base,
Teaching is going better this term. She can lecture more fluidly than previously, and stands to write on the board from time to time. Her schedule is better than last term's, which forced her to stay an office for four hours three days a week until i could come get her after the HS day ends. WSU continues to harass her, however: the Grad School demoted her to associate status. She has a temporary reprieve, since she is directing a thesis at the moment (which she cannot do as an associate member).
I am beginning to worry about the mirgraine meds, because they are contra-indicated for people at risk for stroke heart attack. The work so well (Maxalt MLT) however, I am reluctant.

She wants to go to CAMWS in AZ in April. The above is from our Christmas trip to San Antonio. My sister gave her a new winter hat.